Those who don't want to work should not eat.
Heading towards a global society of the superfluous?
Erfahren Sie mehr über die erstaunliche Gruppe von Rednern, die beim Dürnstein Symposion mutige Ideen, harte Wahrheiten und atemberaubende kreative Visionen austauschen werden.
Alle Vorträge
im Überblick
Thursday, 8 March 2018
- 05:00 -
- 05:30 PM
- 05:30 -
- 06:00 PM
- 06:00 -
- 06:25 PM
- 06:25 -
- 06:50 PM
Ronald Deppe, clarinet, concept
Hasan Z. Farahani, electronics
Shaahin Norouzi, live painting
- 06:50 -
- 07:00 PM
Why the useless is necessary
Ursula Baatz, curator of Symposium Dürnstein
- 07:00 -
- 08:30 PM
Philipp Blom, author and historian, Vienna
Chair and moderation for all three days: Charles E. Ritterband, longstanding foreign correspondent of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, book author and political commentator.
Simultaneous translation of lectures and discussions in German and English
Friday, 9 March 2018
Moderation: Gudrun Biffl, dean (retired) of the Faculty for Economy and Globalization, Donau-Universität Krems
- 09:00 -
- 09:20 AM
- 09:30 -
- 10:30 AM
Andrea Komlosy, professor for economic and social history, University Vienna
- 10:30 -
- 11:00 AM
- 11:00 -
- 12:00 PM
Mathias Binswanger, professor for political economy, Universität St. Gallen
- 12:00 -
- 01:00 PM
Mathias Binswanger
Walter Kirchler, managing director NÖ.Regional.GmbH
René Schindler, Gewerkschaft PRO-GE, federal secretary for law and social issues, focus of activity: digitalization and production
Hermann Kopetz, cofounder TTTech Computer- technik AG, emeritus professor for computer engineering, TU Wien
Michael Wiesmüller, BMVIT, Department for Information and Industrial Technology
- 01:00 -
- 02:30 PM
- 01:40 -
- 02:30 PM
Guided tour through the Dürnstein abbey
with Propst Maximilian
- 02:30 -
- 03:15 PM
Herbert Buchinger, chairman of the Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich
- 03:15 -
- 03:45 PM
Katharina Stemberger, actress, Vienna
Sebastian Thieme, P. Johannes-Schasching SJ-fellow of the ksoe, economic and social ethicist, Vienna
- 04:30 -
- 05:00 PM
- 05:00 -
- 05:30 PM
Fabian Heubel, sinologist und philosopher, Taipei/Taiwan
- 05:30 -
- 06:30 PM
Fabian Heubel
Ursula Baatz, philosopher and curator Symposium Dürnstein
Sebastian Thieme
Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, professor for psychotherapy research, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Krems
Katharina Stemberger
Chair and moderation for all three days: Charles E. Ritterband, longstanding foreign correspondent of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, book author and political commentator.
Simultaneous translation of lectures and discussions in German and English
Saturday, 10 March 2018
Daniel Häni, entrepreneur, Basel
Pertti Honkanen, senior researcher, KELA – The Social Insurance, Institution of Finland, Helsinki
Christian Felber, freelance writer and initiator of the economy for the common good, Vienna
- 09:00 -
- 09:20 AM
- 09:30 -
- 10:25 AM
Ulrich Brand, professor for political sciences, Vienna University
- 10:25 -
- 11:20 AM
Rehema B. Nanaganda, Community Worker, FIAN Uganda Kampala/Uganda
- 11:20 -
- 11:45 AM
- 11:45 -
- 12:15 PM
Mathias Czaika, head of the Department for Migration und Globalization, Donau-Universität Krems Julianna Fehlinger, Via Campesina Austria
- 12:15 -
- 01:00 PM
Ulrich Brand
Rehema B. Namaganda
Mathias Czaika
Julianna Fehlinger
- 01:00 -
- 02:00 PM
- 02:00 -
- 02:45 PM
Gabu Heindl, architect und town planner, Vienna
- 02:45 -
- 05:30 PM
Moderation: Joachim Schwendenwein, Organisationsberater, Wien
Chair and moderation for all three days: Charles E. Ritterband, longstanding foreign correspondent of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, book author and political commentator.
Simultaneous translation of lectures and discussions in German and English
Thursday, 8 March 2018
- 05:00 - 05:30 PM
Advanced reception
- 05:30 - 06:00 PM
- 06:00 - 06:25 PM
- 06:25 - 06:50 PM
Those who don’t want to work should not eat. / or those who don’t want to eat should work a lot / or those who want to eat and are not allowed to work … an inspiring calligraphy of background and interfering noise.
- Lecture
Ronald Deppe, clarinet, concept
Hasan Z. Farahani, electronics
Shaahin Norouzi, live painting
- 06:50 - 07:00 PM
Why the useless is necessary
- Lecture
Ursula Baatz, curator of Symposium Dürnstein
- 07:00 - 08:30 PM
No future? On future denial and its consequences Subsequent discussion
- Lecture
Philipp Blom, author and historian, Vienna
Friday, 9 March 2018
Labour in the Digital Age
Moderation: Gudrun Biffl, dean (retired) of the Faculty for Economy and Globalization, Donau-Universität Krems
The Meaning of Work and the Meaning of Life
- 09:00 - 09:20 AM
Morning impulse with Propst Maximilian in the abbey church
- 09:30 - 10:30 AM
What is labour? Social-historical approaches and discourses
- Lecture
Andrea Komlosy, professor for economic and social history, University Vienna
- 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Will humans disappear in the digital economy?
- Lecture
Mathias Binswanger, professor for political economy, Universität St. Gallen
- 12:00 - 01:00 PM
Digitalization as chance?
- Panel
Mathias Binswanger
Walter Kirchler, managing director NÖ.Regional.GmbH
René Schindler, Gewerkschaft PRO-GE, federal secretary for law and social issues, focus of activity: digitalization and production
Hermann Kopetz, cofounder TTTech Computer- technik AG, emeritus professor for computer engineering, TU Wien
Michael Wiesmüller, BMVIT, Department for Information and Industrial Technology
- 01:40 - 02:30 PM
Guided tour through the Dürnstein abbey
- Guided Tour
with Propst Maximilian
- 02:30 - 03:15 PM
Lunchtime conversation: Reluctant to work – right?
- Lecture
Herbert Buchinger, chairman of the Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich
- 03:15 - 03:45 PM
Art Power Work Self-sustenance and the standard economics. A difficult relationship
- Lecture
Katharina Stemberger, actress, Vienna
Sebastian Thieme, P. Johannes-Schasching SJ-fellow of the ksoe, economic and social ethicist, Vienna
- 05:00 - 05:30 PM
Does uselessness create freedom? On a motive in Daoist philosophy
- Lecture
Fabian Heubel, sinologist und philosopher, Taipei/Taiwan
- 05:30 - 06:30 PM
Does labour make life sweet?
- Panel
Fabian Heubel
Ursula Baatz, philosopher and curator Symposium Dürnstein
Sebastian Thieme
Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, professor for psychotherapy research, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Krems
Katharina Stemberger
Saturday, 10 March 2018
Impulses: Social is what abolishes labour Basic income experiment in Finland Human dignity and the common good
Daniel Häni, entrepreneur, Basel
Pertti Honkanen, senior researcher, KELA – The Social Insurance, Institution of Finland, Helsinki
Christian Felber, freelance writer and initiator of the economy for the common good, Vienna
Alternative Futures
Global Labour
- 09:00 - 09:20 AM
Morning impulse with Propst Maximilian in the abbey church
- 09:30 - 10:25 AM
Globalization and the production of superfluous in the global South
- Lecture
Ulrich Brand, professor for political sciences, Vienna University
- 10:25 - 11:20 AM
Automatization and small scale food producers
- Lecture
Rehema B. Nanaganda, Community Worker, FIAN Uganda Kampala/Uganda
- 11:45 - 12:15 PM
Commentary by: Mathias Czaika and Julianna Fehlinger
Mathias Czaika, head of the Department for Migration und Globalization, Donau-Universität Krems Julianna Fehlinger, Via Campesina Austria
- 12:15 - 01:00 PM
Global North vs. Global South?
- Panel
Ulrich Brand
Rehema B. Namaganda
Mathias Czaika
Julianna Fehlinger
- 02:00 - 02:45 PM
Lunchtime conversation: Who does not eat should also not be here. Planning, consumption and conflict in neoliberal urban space
- Lecture
Gabu Heindl, architect und town planner, Vienna
- 02:45 - 05:30 PM
A shared conversation
Moderation: Joachim Schwendenwein, Organisationsberater, Wien